Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissen­schaftliche Fakultät - Winckelmann-Institut

Publikationen - Stephanie Pearson

Publikationen (Stand November 2017)

in Druck      Katalogbeiträge in: T. Potts – J. Spier – S. Cole (Hrsg.), Egypt and the Classical World

(Arbeitstitel) (Los Angeles, in Druck).

in Druck     Falling between the Cracks: U.C. Berkeley’s Plaster Casts, in: A. Alexandridis

– L. Winkler-Horacek (Hrsg.), Destroy the Copy! (Berlin, in Druck).

2017          Der Tod des Laokoon in Pompeji – der Mythos im Kontext des römischen Wohnens, in:

S. Muth (Hrsg.), Laokoon. Auf der Suche nach einem Meisterwerk (Rahden 2017) 437-444.

2017          Rezension in History of Humanities 2(1): J. Thompson, Wonderful Things: A History

of Egyptology: 1: From Antiquity to 1881.

2015          Bodies of Meaning: Figural Repetition in Pompeian Painting, in: S. Lepinski – S. McFadden

(Hrsg.),Beyond Iconography: Materials, Methods and Meaning in Ancient Painting Studies, Selected Papers in Ancient Art and Architecture 1 (Boston 2015) 149-166.

2015          Rezension in Journal of Roman Studies 105, 364-365: J. Boislève –

A. Dardenay – F. Monier (Hrsg.), Peintures murales et stucs d’époque romaine: de la fouille au musée. Actes des 24e et 25e colloques de Narbonne, 12 et 13 novembre 2010, Paris, 25 et 26 novembre 2011.

2013          Rezension in Reviews in History 1479: Ausstellung (inkl. digitale Medien und Katalog)

Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum (London, The British Museum).

2013          Rezension in Journal of Hellenic Studies 133: E. Moormann, Divine Interiors: Mural

Paintings in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries.

2012          Via Consolare Project – 2007-2011 Field Seasons in Insula VII 6, Journal of Fasti Online. Co-Autor mit M. Anderson et. al.

2005          History of the Collection – Hermes of Olympia, in: S. Miller (Hrsg.), Plaster Casts at

Berkeley. Collections of the Hearst Museum of Anthropology & Department of Classics at UC Berkeley. An Exhibition of Rare Plaster Casts of Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture (Berkeley 2005).



in Druck     G. Brands, Monumental Civic Architecture, in: The Cambridge Companion to Late Antiquity

(Cambridge, in Druck).

2016          M. Maischberger – A. Schwarzmaier – A. Scholl (Hrsg.), Die Antikensammlung: Altes

Museum, Neues Museum, Pergamonmuseum (Mainz 2016).


Veranstaltete KOLLOQUIA

2018          Egypt on the Move: New Meanings of Space and Place in Local Contexts. Theoretical

Roman Archaeology Conference, Edinburgh. Co-Leiterin mit Lindsey Mazurek. 12.-14. April.

2012          Fraught Antiquities: Fakes and Forgeries. Annual Meeting of the Archaeological

Institute of America, Philadelphia. Co-Leiterin mit Mont Allen. 5.-8. Januar.

2011          A Breath of Fresco Air: New Approaches to Roman Wall Painting. Annual Meeting

of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Antonio. Co-Leiterin mit Mont Allen. 6.-9. Januar.


2017          Booty to Baubles: The Material Impact of Rome’s Conquest of Egypt. Cotsen

Institute, University of California Los Angeles, 8. März.

2014          Egyptian Motifs in the ‚House of Augustus’: A Program for the Princeps?. Winckelmann

-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 29. Oktober

2013          Aegyptiaca beyond Actium: Exotica in Roman Frescoes. Kolloquium des Instituts für

Klassische Archäologie, Freie Universität, Berlin, 11. November

2012          The House of Julius Polybius in Pompeii: The Altair4 Reconstruction. Tagung von Humanities

West, Pompeii and Herculaneum, San Francisco, 28. April

2012          A Day in the Life of an Archaeologist at Pompeii. Commonwealth Club of California,

San Francisco, 26. April

2011          Gandharan Sculptural Technique As a Window onto Artistic Transmission. Townsend Center

Asian Art and Visual Cultures Working Group, Berkeley, 25. Oktober


2016         Roman Wall Painting as Evidence for Egyptian Luxury Imports. Annual Meeting of the

Archaeological Institute of America, San Francisco, 6.-9. Januar

2015         Falling between the Cracks: UC Berkeley’s Plaster Casts. Destroy the Copy! Part II, Berlin,

8.-10. Oktober

2012         Pattern Books: Making Meaning with a Common Toolkit. Annual Meeting of the

Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia, 5.-8. Januar

2011          An Un-Augustan Understanding of the Third Style. Annual Meeting of the

Archaeological Institute of America, San Antonio, 6.-9. Januar

2010          Repetition Breeds Polysemy: Copy Books and the Roman Viewer. Annual Conference

of the College Art Association, Chicago, 10.-13. Februar

2010          From the (Back)ground Up: Sculptural Technique and Content in Gandharan Relief.

Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Anaheim, 6.-9. Januar (Graduate Student Paper Award)

2007          The Acropolis Anacreon and Athenian Claims to Ionia. Annual Meeting of the

Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, 4.-7. Januar