Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissen­schaftliche Fakultät - Winckelmann-Institut


Aktuelle Publikationen der letzten Zeit


Pecchioli, Laura (2020). Conservation and restoration methods applied to the ancient ruins in Ostia: history and critical analysis, Pecchioli (Associated Ed.), Springer Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, Edited by D'Amico S. & Venuti V. (In Vorbereitung).


Pecchioli, Laura (2020). War free Heritage - Cultural Heritage threatened in seismic or in War areas. In: Issue no.1/Sciences/News. In: International Commission Watch, World Association for the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage during Times of Armed conflicts (Ende Februar)


Marra Fabrizio, Milana Giuliano, Pecchioli Laura, Roselli, Pamela, Cangi, Giovanni, Carlucci Giorgia, Famiani Daniela & Mercuri, Alessia (2020). Historical faulting as the possible cause of earthquake damages in ancient Ostia (Rome, Italy): a combined structural, seismological and geological analysis. In: Pecchioli, Panzera and Poggi Eds., Cultural heritage and Earthquakes: bridging the gap between Geophysics, Archaeoseismology and Engineering, Journal of Seismology, DOI: 10.1007/s10950-019-09844-z


Pecchioli Laura (2020). Archaeoseismological investigation after natural disaster in Ostia. In: Building facing natural risk in ancient societies, Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 6-7 September (In Vorbereitung)


Pecchioli Laura (2020). Terrae Motus – Reparatur und Prävention. Bauen in der antiken Hafenstadt Ostia, In: Vierte Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte 2019, Reparieren-Ertüchtigen-Erhalte, Ansätze und Strategien seit der Antike, Hannover 9-11 Mai (in Vorbereitung)


Pecchioli, Laura (2019). Analysis of the Historical Restoration / Repair Measures and the Stratigraphic- archaeological Studies after Natural Catastrophe Events in Ostia Antica, In: Tagung über Erdbeben, Feuer, Wasser und andere Katastrophen - Ihr Einfluss auf die Stadtentwicklung und Stadtgestalt im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, 1-2. February, Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement Basel-Stadt, Städtebau & Architektur, Kantonale Denkmalpflege, Basel, Schweiz (


Marra F., Milana G., Pecchioli L., Roselli, P., Cangi, G., Carlucci G., Famiani D., Mercuri, A., 2019. Historical faulting as the possible cause of earthquake damages in ancient Ostia (Rome, Italy): a combined structural, seismological and geological analysis, Journal of Seismology (eingereicht: Februar 2019)


Pecchioli, L. (Editor by) (2019). Applications of 3D technology in Cultural Heritage, KERMES, n. 107, Nardini Ed., Florence, Italy:

- Gering, A., Pecchioli L., Dehner M., and Bendegúz T. 3D archaeological field        recording in Ostia, S. 26

- Pecchioli, L. & Mazzei, B. MuPriS: modern technologies making museum of sarcophagi content more accessible, S. 105


Pecchioli, L., Cangi, G., and Marra, F. 2018. Evidence of seismic damages on ancient Roman buildings at Ostia: An arch mechanics approach: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 21:117-127, Available online 17 July 2018


Pecchioli, L., 2019. 3D documentation in Archaeoseismology applied in Ostia (Rome), in Symposium "Antiker Bauschmuck aus Terrakotta, Humboldt Universität, 19-10.01.2018, e-pdf in open access by Archaeopress ( (Bald Online)