Kolloquium: Will Kennedy, The Hinterland of Petra / Sylvian Fachard, Finding the borders of Attica
- https://www.archaeologie.hu-berlin.de/de/klarcho/winckelmann/vortragsprogramm/veranstaltungen-1/termine-hu/kolloquium-will-kennedy-the-hinterland-of-petra-sylvian-fachard-finding-the-borders-of-attica
- Kolloquium: Will Kennedy, The Hinterland of Petra / Sylvian Fachard, Finding the borders of Attica
- 2016-06-09T18:30:00+02:00
- 2016-06-09T20:00:00+02:00
- Wann 09.06.2016 von 18:30 bis 20:00
- Wo TOPOI-Haus Dahlem (Hittorfstr. 18)
- iCal
Findet statt im Rahmen der TOPOI Tagung "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture" (LAA).