Publikationen - Zbigniew T. Fiema
Books - Author
Petra - The Mountain of Aaron. Vol I. The Church and the Chapel. Senior co-author with Jaakko Frösén. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Helsinki.
Petra Church. Senior co-author with C. Kanellopoulos, T. Waliszewski, and R. Schick. ACOR Publication no 3. Amman, Jordan.
Books - Editor
Limes XVIII. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000). Co-editor with Philip Freeman, Julian Bennett and Birgitta Hoffmann. BAR International Series 1084 (I and II). Oxford.
Petra - A City Forgotten and Rediscovered. A volume associated with the exhibition organized by the Amos Anderson Museum, Helsinki, Finland Co-editor with Jaakko Frösén. Amos Anderson Museum Publications no. 40. Helsinki, Finland
Unpublished Dissertations
Economics, Administration and Demography of Late Roman and Byzantine Southern Transjordan. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. MS available through the Microfilm Library, University of Chicago.
Refereed Journals and Requested/Conference Contributions
Reinventing the Sacred: from Shrine to Monastery at Jabal Hārūn. Pp. 27-37 in The Nabataeans in Focus: Current Archaeological Research at Petra. L. Nehmé & L. Wadeson, eds. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Volume 42.
The Palaces of the Nabataean Kings at Petra. Co-author with Stephan G. Schmid, Piotr Bienkowski and Bernhard Kolb. Pp. 73-98 in The Nabataeans in Focus: Current Archaeological Research at Petra. L. Nehmé & L. Wadeson, eds. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. Volume 42.
Jabal Haroun in the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk Periods. Senior co-author with Jaakko Frösén. Pp.189-196 in Shawbak, i castelli di Petra e la Transgiordania crociato-ayyubide : Archeologia e storia di una terra di frontiera. Guido Vannini, ed. Firenze.
Latin Inscription from the Ridge Church in Petra. Co-author with Olli Salomies. ARCTOS 43: 117-140.
From Goddess to Prophet: 2000 Years of Cult Continuity on the Mountain of Aaron near Petra, Jordan. Co-author with Antti Lahelma. TEMENOS -Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, vol. 44, no 2, pp. 191-222.
Remarks on the Development and Significance of the Colonnaded Street in Petra, Jordan. Pp. 161-168 in La rue dans l’antiquité. Définition, Aménagement, Devenir. Actes du colloque de Poitiers, 7-9 Septembre 2006. P. Ballet, N. Dieudonné-Glad and C. Saliou, eds. Rennes: Presses universitaires.
Aaron. IV. Archaeological Evidence. Co-author with Jaakko Frösén. Electronic version of the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. 2007 Storing in the Church: Artefacts in Room I of the Petra Church. Pp. 607-623 in Objects in Context, Objects in Use. L. Lavan, E. Swift and T. Putzeys, eds. Late Antiquity Archaeology, vol 5. Leiden: Brill.
The Byzantine Military in the Petra Papyri - A Summary. Pp. 313-319 in The Late Roman Army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest. Proceedings of a Colloquium held in Potenza, Acerenza and Matera, Italy, 10-13 May 2005. Ariel S. Lewin and Pietrina Pellegrini, eds. BAR International Series 1717, Oxford.
Observations on the Byzantine Church at Jabal Harun near Petra, Jordan. Pp. 379-388 inStudies in the Archaeology and History of Jordan IX. Amman. Pp. 261-270.
City and Countryside in Byzantine Palestine. Prosperity in Question. Pp. 67-88 in Settlements and Demography in the Near East in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the Colloquiumin Matera, 27-19 October 2005. A. S. Lewin and P. Pellegrini, eds. Pisa-Roma 2004
Ancient Water Management System in the Area of Jabal Harûn, Petra. Co-author with M. Lavento, M. Huotari, H. Jansson, and S. Silvonen. Pp.163-172 in Men of Dikes and Canals: The Archaeology of Water in the Middle East. Proceedings of the Conference held in Petra–Wadi
Musa, September 1999. H.-D. Bienert and J. Häser, eds. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Orient-Archäologie, Band 13. Rahden/Westf.; Verlag Marie Leidorf.
Roman Petra (A.D. 106-363). A Neglected Subject. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 119/1, pp. 38-58.
The Byzantine Monastic/Pilgrimage Center of St. Aaron near Petra, Jordan. Pp. 343-358 in One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda OFM. G. Claudio Bottini, L. Di Segni and L. Daniel Chrupcala, eds. Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press.
Observations on the Byzantine Church at Jabal Haroun near Petra, Jordan. ARCTOS - Acta Philologica Fennica, vol. XXXVII, pp. 53-68.
Historical Context. Pp. 1-4 in The Petra Papyri I. By J. Frösén, A. Arjava and M. Lehtinen. ACOR Publication no 4. Amman, Jordan.
Archaeological Context of the Petra Papyri. Pp. 5-8 in The Petra Papyri I. By J. Frösén, A. Arjava and M. Lehtinen. ACOR Publication no 4. Amman, Jordan.
Chronological Systems used in the Petra Papyri. Pp. 17-18 in The Petra Papyri I. By J. Frösén, A. Arjava and M. Lehtinen. Co-author with A. Arjava. ACOR Publication no 4. Amman, Jordan.
The Military Presence in the Countryside of Petra in the 6th Century. Pp. 131-36 in Limes XVIII. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held inAmman, Jordan, September 2000. Philip Freeman, Julian Bennett , Zbigniew T. Fiema and Birgitta Hoffmann, eds. BAR International Series 1084 (I and II). Oxford.
Petra and Its Hinterland during the Byzantine Period: New Research and Interpretations. Pp. 191-252 in Roman and Byzantine Near East: Some New Discoveries III J. Humphrey, ed. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series no. 49. Portsmouth, RI.
Byzantine Petra - A Reassessment. Pp. 111-131 in Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity III : Urban Centers and Rural in Late Antiquity. T. S. Burns and J. W. Eadie, eds. East Lansing:
Michigan State University Press.
Petra’s Urban Center - New Archaeological Evidence. Pp. 433-436 in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan VII. Amman: Dept. of Antiquities.
"Kharaneh" and "Hallabat.” P. 238 in A Guide to the Late Antique World. G. W. Bowersock, P. Brown, and O. Grabar, eds. Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard University Press.
La découverte des papyrus byzantins de Pétra. Comptes rendus des Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Séances de l’année 1997 (Juillet-Octobre), no. 141.3, pp. 733-738.
At-Tuwana - The Development and Decline of a Classical Town in Southern Jordan (with a note on site preservation). Pp. 313-317 in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan VI. Gh. Bisheh, M. Zaghloul, and I. Kehrberg, eds. Amman: Dept. of Antiquities.
Petra Romana et Byzantina. Pp. 145-157 and 159-160 in Petra - Antike Felsstadt zwischen Arabischer Tradition und Griechischer Norm. Th. Weber and R. Wenning, eds. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
Nabataean and Palmyrene Commerce - The Mechanisms of Intensification. Pp. 189-195 in The Proceedings of the International Conference on Palmyra and the Silk Road. Les Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes, vol XLII. Damascus.
1995 Military Architecture and "Defense" System in Roman-Byzantine Southern Jordan. A Critical Appraisal of Recent Interpretations. Pp. 261-270 in Studies in the Archaeology and History of Jordan V. Amman. Pp. 261-270.
Tahpanhes. Co-author with R.N. Jones. Pp. 308-309 in The Anchor Bible Dictionary VI. David Noel Freedman, ed. New York: Doubleday.
The Islamic Conquest of Southern Jordan. A New Research Perspective. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, XXXVI, pp. 325-333.
The Nabataean King-List Revised. Further Observations on the Second Nabataean Inscription from Tell esh-Shuqafiyeh in Egypt. Senior co-author with R.N. Jones. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXXIV, pp. 239-248.
The Era of Bostra - A Reconsideration. Pp. 109-121 in The Proceedings of the XXXV Corso di cultura sull'arte Ravennate e Bizantina. Raffaella Farioli Campanati and Gianfranco Fiaccadori, eds. Ravenna, Italy.
A Second Nabataean Inscription from Tell esh-Shuqafiyeh, Egypt. Co-author with R.N. Jones and P.C. Hammond. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 269: 47-57.
The Inscriptions from the Siq of Petra. Remarks on the Initial Garrison of Arabia. Co-author with Fawzi Zayadine. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXX, pp. 199-207.
A Nabataean Sculptor's Signature from Petra. Senior co-author with R.N. Jones. Annual of the
Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXX, pp. 329-333.
The Annexation of Arabia–A General Perspective. Ancient World XV, Nos 1-2: pp. 25-35.
Study of the Late Bronze II Cylinder Seal from Baq'ah. P. 292 in The Baq'ah Archaeological Project, by Patrick E. McGovern. University of Pennsylvania Monograph Series.Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Remarks on the Sculptors from Hegra. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 46, no. 1, pp. 49-54.
An Inscription from the Temple of Bel in Palmyra Reconsidered. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 243: 81-84.
Hebrew Inscription from Alexandria, Egypt. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt XXII, pp. 117-118.
Fieldwork Reports
Area 2: A Preliminary Report. Pp. 87-108 in Hegra I. Report on the First Excavation Season at Medain Salih, Saudi Arabia. A Series of Refereed Archaeological Studies no. 6. L. Nehmé, D. al-Talhi, and F. Villeneuve, eds. Riyadh : Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities.
Umm Rattam Survey: Specialized Reports. Co-author with M. Lindner , H. Jansson and Y. Gerber. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 51: 243-257.
The 2003 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: Preliminary Report. Co-author with J. Frösén, M. Lavento, K. Ch. Danielli, R. Holmgren, J. Latikka, A. Rajala, and A. Lahelma. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLVIII, pp. 290-319.
The 2002 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: Preliminary Report. Co-author with J. Frösén, M. Lavento, K. Ch. Danielli, R. Holmgren, J. Latikka, A. Rajala, N. Heiska, and A. Lahelma. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLVII, pp. 295-320.
The 2001 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: Preliminary Report. Co-author with J. Frösén, K. Koistinen, J. Studer, Ch. Danielli, R. Holmgren, Y. Gerber, N. Heiska, and A. Lahelma. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLVI, pp. 391-407.
The 2000 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: Preliminary Report. Co-author with J. Frösén, K. Koistinen, M. Lavento, R. Holmgren, Y. Gerber, E. Mikkola, R. Ylönen-Peltonen, N. Heiska and A. Lahelma. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLV, pp. 359-376
The 1998-2000 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: Specialized Reports. Co-author with J. Frösén, C. Danielli, J. Studer, Y. Gerber, D. Keller, H. Jansson, J. Lindblom, T. Tenhunen and E. Hertell. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLV, pp. 377-92.
The 1999 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: A Preliminary Report. Co-author with J. Frösén, M. Lavento, K. Koistinen, R. Holmgren, and Y. Gerber. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLIV, pp. 385-424.
The 1998 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project: Preliminary Report. Co-author with J. Frösén, M. Lavento, K. Koistinen, R. Holmgren. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLIII, pp. 369-410.
The Finnish Jabal Haroun Project: A Preliminary Report on the 1997 Reconnaissance. Coauthor with J. Frösén, M. Lavento, K. Koistinen, A. Siiriainen and H. Haggrén. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLII, pp. 420-39.
The 1998 Finnish Jabal Harûn Project. Preliminary Report. Co-author with Jaakko Frösén, Katri Koistinen and Mika Lavento. Liber Annuus XLVIII, pp. 525-533.
The 1997 Roman Street in Petra Project - A Preliminary Report. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLII, pp. 395-424.
The Petra Church Project 1992-1994. Interim Report. Senior co-author with R. Schick and Kh. 'Amr. Pp. 289-303 in The Roman and Byzantine Near East: Some Recent Archaeological Research. J. Humphrey, ed. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series, 14. Portsmouth, RI.
Tuwaneh and the Via Nova Traiana in SW Jordan. A Short Note on the 1992 Season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXXVII, pp. 549-50.
The Petra Church Project, 1992-93. A Preliminary Report. Co-author with R. Schick and Kh. 'Amr. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, XXXVII, pp. 55-66.
Book Reviews
Review of Mountaintop Sanctuaries at Petra. By Zvi Uri Ma’oz. Archaostyle Scientific Research Series 6. Archaostyle, Qazrin 2008. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 71/1, pp. 162-163.
Review of Petra ez Zantur III. Ergebnissse des Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen. Teil 1. Daniel Keller, Die Gläser aus Petra. Teil 2. Matthias Grawehr, Die Lampen der Grabungen auf ez Zantur in Petra. Mainz: von Zabern 2006. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 70/1, pp. 149-150.
Review of H. Sivan. Palestine on Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Antiquites tardives 18.
Review of Qasr al-Buleida': a Late Roman-Byzantine Fortified Settlement on the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan. Oxford, 2009. By Alexandra Ariotti. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 126, 1, p. 77-80.
Review of Les églises d’époque byzantine et umayyade de la Jordanie. Ve-VIIIe siecle. Typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001. By Anne Michel. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 156-158.
Review of Quellen zur Geschichte der Nabatäer–Textsammlung mit Übersetzung und Kommentar by U. Hackl, H. Jenni and Ch. Schneider. Freiburg/Göttingen 2003. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66, no 2, pp. 157-158.
Review of Petra and the Nabataeans–A Bibliography, by G. A. Crawford. Lanham 2003. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66, no 2, pp. 156-157.
Review of Petra, by Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo and Eugenia Equini Schneider. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2002. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64, no 3, pp. 212-213.
Review of Petra Ez Zantur II. Egebnisse der Schweizerisch - Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen. Teil 1. St. G. Schmid: Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer, Typologie, Chronologie und kulturhistorische Hintengründe. Teil 2: B. Kolb: Die spätantiken Wohnbauten von ez Zantur in Petra und der Wohnhausbau in Palästina von 4.-6. Jh. n. Ch. Mainz: von Zabern, 2000. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63, no 3, pp. 230-232.
Review of Petra: ez Zantur II. Egebnisse der Schweizerisch - Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen. Teil 1. St. G. Schmid: Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer, Typologie, Chronologie und kulturhistorische Hintengründe. Teil 2: B. Kolb: Die spätantiken Wohnbauten von ez6 Zantur in Petra und der Wohnhausbau in Palästina von 4.-6. Jh. n. Ch. Mainz: von Zabern 2000. Arctos - Acta Philologica Fennica XXXVI, pp. 207-8.
Barriers, Barracks and Beyond - Remarks on Some Current Roman Military Studies (Reviews of W. Groenman-van Waateringe, et al., eds. Roman Frontier Studies 1995, Oxford 1997; J. Napoli. Recherches sur les fortifications linéaires Romaines, Rome 1997; E. Grönke. Das Römische Alenkastell Biricianae in Weissenburg I. Bay. Die Grabungen von 1890 bis 1990, Mainz 1997; H. Friesinger and F. Krinzinger, eds. Der Römische Limes in Österreich:
Führer zu den Archäologischen Denkmälern, Vienna 1997). American Journal of Archaeology,103: 348-352.1998
Petra. Ez Zantur I. Ergebnisse des Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen 1988-1992., by A. Bignasca et al. Mainz : von Zabern, 1996. Arctos - Acta Philologica Fennica XXXII, pp. 120.
Roman Roads in Judaea II, by M. Fischer, B. Isaac, and I. Roll. Oxford 1996. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 305: 17-19.
The Late Hellenistic -Early Roman Pottery from the Nabatean Oboda, by A. Negev. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 50, no. 1, pp. 66-69.
Manuscripts Forthcoming
Petra - The Mountain of Aaron. Vol II. The Nabataean Cultic Center and the Byzantine Monastery.
Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica. To appear in 2012.
Roman Army in Late Antique Papyri. Co-author with Jaakko Frösén. To Appear in the Encyclopaedia
of the Roman Army. Y. De Bohec, ed. To appear in 2012.