(Co-)Location and Interrelation of Meaning?
Nested Meaning in Ancient and Modern Sign Systems
Conference on January 25-27, 2019
BAJA 2018
Neunter Berliner Arbeitskreis Junge Aegyptologie 30.11-2.12.2018
(Un)Sterblichkeit. Schrift - Körper - Kultur
51. Neue Forschungen zur ägyptischen Kultur und Geschichte & Erman-Tag 2018
Program and event locations
Sudantag 2018
The Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. and the department Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas at Humboldt-Universität invite you to this year's Sudantag, on 02.06.2018, from 14.00-20.00 in Room 2091/92 in the main building of Humboldt-Universität (Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin). The Program includes the presentation of new field research in Sudan.
Vielfaltslinguistik 2018
BAJA 2017
Narrative: Geschichte-Mythos-Repräsentation
Berliner Arbeitskreis Junge Ägyptologie 1. - 3. Dezember 2017
49. Neue Forschungen zur ägyptischen Kultur und Geschichte und Erman-Tag 2017
- on 3.11.17
- organized by Ägyptologischen Seminar der FU Berlin, AKNOA at the Institut für Archäologie der HU Berlin, Ägyptischen Museum Berlin and with the support of the Verein zur Förderung des Ägyptischen Museums Berlin e.V.
- Program and event location
Pictures and Texts - Pictures as Text
Iconicity and Indexicality in Graphic Communication
26-28 July 2017
Multimodal analysis is an emerging research field, with more open questions than clear answers or fully established concepts (and methodologies). At the same time, it is a promising and exciting field that makes possible many interdisciplinary approaches, methods, and opportunities for collaboration. The conference aims at promoting this kind of exchange across disciplinary borders and brings together experts from various disciplines working on text-image compositions from empirical, methodological, and / or theoretical perspectives [Weiter lesen].
'Die Geschichte der Berliner Nordostafrikaforschung: Wandel, Kontinuität und wissenschaftlicher Zeitgeist vom Königreich Preußen bis in die DDR' (30. Juni - 1. Juli 2017)
'The history of Berlin-based research on Northeast Africa: Change, continuity and scientific ‘Zeitgeist’ from the Kingdom of Prussia until the end of the GDR' (30 June - 01 July 2017)
BAJA 2016
Berliner Arbeitskreis Junge Ägyptologie 2-4. Dezember 2016
Abb.: Theresa Mader
Crossroads: Whence and Whither? (Berlin 2016)
Hosted by
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
and the Excellence Cluster Topoi.