Department of Northeast African Archaeology and Cultural Studies, HU Berlin
- Introduction to the Archaeology of Sudan (BA seminar series, summer term 2020)
- Current research on the archaeology of ancient Sudan (MA seminar series, summer term 2020)
- Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa (BA seminar series, winter term 2019/20)
- Archaeological research on/at Musawwarat es-Sufra: Finds and findings, methods and interpretations (MA seminar series, winter term 2019/20)
- Exhibition - 60 years Musawwarat es-Sufra: Presenting research from the archaeological long-term project of Humboldt-Universität in Sudan (1960-2020) (BA/MA practical, winter term 2019/20)
- Introduction to the Archaeology of Sudan (BA seminar series, summer term 2019)
- The Sudan Archaeological Collection and Archive at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Communicating and (re)presenting research (MA seminar series, summer term 2019)
- Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa (BA seminar series, winter term 2018/19)
- Graffiti in Northeast Africa: The archaeology of 'informal' inscriptions and pictures in built spaces (MA seminar series, winter term 2018/19)
- The Sudan Archaeological Collection at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (MA seminar series, summer term 2018)
- The Meroitic Period of the Kingdom of Kush: Material Culture (BA seminar series, winter term 2017/18)
- Introduction to the Archaeology of Sudan (BA lecture series, summer term 2017)
- Archaeology at the Archive: The History of Research on Ancient Sudan during the Time of the GDR (MA seminar series, summer term 2017, with Thomas Gertzen)
- Introduction to Archaeology (BA lecture series, winter term 2016/17)
- Archaeology at the Archive (MA seminar series, winter term 2016/7)
- Current Archaeologies of Sudan: From the Palaeolithic to the Contemporary Past (BA+MA joint lecture series, summer term 2016)
- Musawwarat es-Sufra: Management and Presentation of a World Heritage Site in Sudan (MA seminar series, summer term 2016)
- BA/MA-Workshop (seminar series, summer term 2016)
- The Meroitic Landscape of Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan) (BA seminar series, summer term 2016)
- Excursion to Sudan (2 weeks, winter term 2015/16)
- Foundations of AKNOA (Northeast African Archaeology and Cultural Studies) (BA, joint lecture series, winter term 2015/16)
- The Sudan Archaeological Collection at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Developing an Exhibition Concept (BA+MA seminar series, winter term 2015/16, with Alexandra Verbovsek)
- Current Research on the Archaeology of Sudan (BA+MA lecture series, winter term 2015/16)
- The Sudan Archaeological Collection at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: History, Components, Perspectives (BA+MA-seminar series, summer term 2015)
- Science Communication and PR: AKNOA online (BA+MA-seminar series, summer term 2015, with Eliese-Sophia Lincke and Alexandta Verbovsek)
- BA-Workshop (BA seminar series, summer term 2015)
- Methods of Archaeological Research (BA seminar series, winter term 2014/15)
- Foundations of AKNOA (Northeast African Archaeology and Cultural Studies) (BA, joint lecture series, winter term 2014/15)
- Foundations of Archaeological Interpretation: Rock Art Research (BA seminar series, summer term 2012)
- The Meroitic Period of the Kingdom of Kush, c. 300BC-AD350 (seminar series, winter term 2011/12)
- Archaeology, Heritage and Society (seminar series, summer term 2011)
- Academic Writing (seminar series, winter term 2009/2010)
- From Berlin to Meroe and Back: Developing an Exhibition on Karl Richard Lepsius' Royal Prussian Expedition in Sudan (seminar series, part I: winter term 2009/10, part II: summer term 2010)
- Foundations of AKNOA (Northeast African Archaeology and Cultural Studies) (joint lecture series, winter term 2009/10)
- Ethnoarchaeology (lecture series, summer term 2008)
- Themes, Theories and Models in African Archaeology (seminar series, summer term 2008)
- Domesticated Animals: Archaeological Finds and Their Interpretation (seminar series, summer term 2008)
- Nubia in the post-Meroitic and Christian Periods (lecture series, winter term 2007/08)
- Theory and Method in Archaeological Interpretation (seminar series, winter terms 2007/08, 2009/10)
- The Graffiti of the Great Enclosure of Musawwarat es Sufra: a Window to the Meroitic World? (seminar series, winter term 2007/08)
- Rock art of Northeast Africa in its African and Global Contexts (seminar series, summer term 2006)