Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissen­schaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Archäologie

Presentations and Lectures



(with Jörg Linstädter) 'Archäologie und ‚gemeinsames Erbe‘ des deutschen Kolonialismus in Afrika' (DArV-Jahrestagung: "Archäologische Feldforschung im 21. Jahrhundert zwischen Klimawandel, Krisen und neuen Herausforderungen", Bochum, 05-07 July)


'#ColonialPast: Archäologie(n) des deutschen Kolonialismus in Afrika' (Von Science und Diplomacy. 150 Jahre Deutsches Archäologisches Institut am Auswärtigen Amt, Berlin, 12 June)


'Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan: Bewegung im Raum' (Meeting of Research Cluster 7 of the German Archaeological Institute 'Shaping Space, Shaping Society': "Bewegung im Raum", DAI Kairo, 23-26 May)


'Up the Nile and to the left, near the pyramids of Meroe: Working with local communities at archaeological sites on the southern edge of the Mediterranean world' (Meeting of the TransArea Network Mediterranean Archaeology of the German Archaeological Institute: "Archaeology and Community. Relevance and Impact of Mediterranean Archaeology on Current Debates", Selinunte, 11-13 April)


(with Kathrin Loges, Ute Verstegen, Jörg Linstädter) 'Geteiltes Erbe - Archäologie der deutschen Kolonialzeit in Ghana' (9th annual meeting of the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Gotha, 21-24 November)


(with Jörg Linstädter) 'Collaborative Approaches to the (Built) ‘Shared Heritage’ of German Colonialism in Africa (Volta/Ghana and Pangani/Tanzania)' (ICOMOS International Conference 'Monuments and Sites de-colonial! Methods and Strategies of Dealing with the Architectural Heritage of the German Colonial Era', Technical University Munich, 03-04 November)


'Wie leb(t)en die Menschen jenseits der Tempel? Das materielle Erbe der viehzüchtenden Bevölkerungen im Hinterland des Nils' (Naga-Tag / Naqa-Day 2023, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst / State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich, 07 October)


'Musawwarat es-Sufra – Kontrolle von Raum' (Meeting of Research Cluster 7 of the German Archaeological Institute 'Shaping Space, Shaping Society': "Innen und Außen", DAI Istanbul, 28-30 September)


Contributor and discussant (Panel 'Sudan archives and Nubiology in times of war', University of Bergen, Bergen Global, 08 September)


'Constructing Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan): The experience of stone from monumental ceremonial architecture to extraordinary and everyday objects' (29th EAA Annual Meeting, Queen's University Belfast, 30 August-02 September)


(with Alfatih Mohamed Ali Saeed, Zaroog Bakri & Hassan Ebeid-Allah) 'Archäologische Orte als Arenen des Wissensaustauschs am Beispiel von Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan)' (Ständige Ägyptologiekonferenz, SÄK 2023, Universität zu Köln, 30 June-02 July)


(with Alfatih Mohamed Ali Saeed & Hassan Ebeid-Allah) 'Musawwarat es-Sufra: Exploring pastoralist lifeways in the ‚hinterland‘ of the Nile through collaborative research' (Sudan Day 2023, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 24 June)


(with Alfatih Mohamed Ali Saeed & Hassan Ebeid-Allah) 'Materialities of past and present pastoralism at Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan' (SAfA 26th Biennial Meeting, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 01-06 June)


(with Alfatih Mohamed Ali Saeed, Zaroog Bakri Mohamed Ahmed & Hassan Ebeid-Allah) '“It’s archaeology, but not as we know it”: A long-term perspective on collaborating with local (pastoralist) communities at Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan' (W. Y. Adams Colloquium 2023, Sudan: Past and Present, SARS, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 13 May)


(with Alfatih Mohamed Ali Saeed & Hassan Ebeid-Allah) 'Archaeologies of pastoralism at Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan' (7th Sudan Studies Research Conference, University 'L'Orientale' Naples, 04-06 May)


'Das Unkontrollierbare kontrollieren: Der Kult des Apedemak in Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan)' (Meeting of the Research Cluster 4 'Religion - Gesellschaft - Individuum' of the German Archaeological Institute: 'Kontrolle sakraler und sepulkraler Räume' , DAI Athen, 20-23 February)


'Die Neuordnung der kuschitischen Welt: Überlegungen zum Kult des Apedemak
und dem frühmeroitischen Bauprogramm von Musawwarat es-Sufra' (Meeting of Research Cluster 7 of the German Archaeological Institute 'Shaping Space, Shaping Society': "Ordnungen", DAI Madrid, 29 September-02 October)


'Christianising places of the Kushite past in the Kingdom of Alwa: Medieval graffiti at Musawwarat es-Sufra and in the Meroe region' (Workshop: 'Perspectives on Alwan Graffiti', 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, 29 August-04 September)


'Beginnings: Musawwarat and the construction of the Meroitic world' (Roundtable 'Origins of the Meroitic Dynasty', 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, 29 August-04 September)


'Experiencing Musawwarat es-Sufra: A multisensory approach to the archaeology of ancient Kush' (15th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, 29 August-04 September)


(with Wazi Apoh, Paul Lane and Jörg Linstaedter) 'Perspectives on ‘The archaeology of German and British colonialism in Africa, and its heritage legacies' (16th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies - PAA, State University of Zanzibar, 07-12 August)


''Never Give Up, Never Surrender!': Preserving and Managing Archaeological (World) Heritage at Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan) in Challenging Times' (16th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies - PAA, State University of Zanzibar, 07-12 August)


(with Alfatih Mohammed Ali Saeed, Zaroog Bakri Mohamed Ahmed, Hassan Ebeid-Allah) 'Building the ‘House of Two Horns’: A long-term perspective on collaborating with the local community at Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan)' (WAC (World Archaeological Congress)-9, Cubex Centrum Prague, 03-08 July)


'Multisensory approaches to the archaeology of ancient Sudan: Re-investigating the ceremonial centre of Musawwarat es-Sufra' (6th Sudan Studies Research Conference, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 25 June)


(with Tobias Paul) 'Re-investigating the elephants of Musawwarat: Iconography, location, written sources and ecology' (Sudan Day 2022, James-Simon-Galerie, Museum Island Berlin, 18 June)


'Archäologische Forschung im Sudan für das 21. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Musawwarat es-Sufra' (Workshop "Sudan – Archäologie und Kulturerhalt für das 21. Jahrhundert" of the Berliner Forschungsverbund‐Sudanarchäologie at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), 26 April, Online)


'Cultural heritage as as source of social identity for marginalised local communities in Sudan' (Workshop "Sudan – Archäologie und Kulturerhalt für das 21. Jahrhundert" of the Berliner Forschungsverbund‐Sudanarchäologie at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), 26 April, Online)


(with Jörg Linstädter) 'Archaeology and (shared) heritage of German colonialism: Materialities of colonisation, resistance  and cultural entanglement on the African continent' (8th annual meeting of the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), University of Ghana, Accra, 24-25 February)


'The long-term archaeological project at Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan): Researching, preserving and presenting a ceremonial centre of the ancient Kingdom of Kush' (8th annual meeting of the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), University of Ghana, Accra, 24-25 February)


'Soundscapes of ancient Kush: Exploring cult-related, artisanal and pastoral sounds at Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan)' (27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Kiel, 06-11 September, Online)


'Mit Macht bauen: Monumentalisierungsprozesse in Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan) in Antike und Moderne' (Research Cluster 7 of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) 'Shaping space, Shaping Society', 03 September, Online)


'Looking back and moving forward: Preserving, researching and presenting the archaeological heritage of Musawwarat es-Sufra' (Sudan Day 2021, 19 June, Online)



(with Jörg Linstädter) 'The legacy of German colonialism in Africa: Current issues, debates and initiatives in Germany', DAAD-Workshop on "The archaeology of European colonialism in Africa, & its heritage legacies", Part 1: The archaeology of German colonialism (University of Cambridge + German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures (KAAK), 02 June, Online)



'Can you hear the roar of the lion? Unpacking the soundscapes of (indigenous) cult at Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan' (26th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Budapest, 24-30 August, Online)

2019 'Das Musawwarat-Projekt im Jahr 2018/19: Kulturerhalt und Forschung' (Sudan Day 2019, Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 14 December)
2019 'From ringing rocks to trumpets and bells: Approaches to the study of sound making and consumption in (rock art) landscapes and built environments of ancient Sudan' (Artsoundscapes Seminar Series, University of Barcelona, 03 December)

'The Graffiti from the Great Enclosure at Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan): Practices of Text and Image Making in a Diachronic Perspective' (International Conference: Stone Canvas - Towards a better integration of rock art and graffiti studies in Egypt and Sudan, IFAO + PCMA, Cairo, 10-12 November)


Podium discussion (Next Frontier Debate): 'Sammeln und Archivieren - Eine Aufgabe der Universitäten?' (Collecting and archiving - A task for universities?) (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Science Week, 01 November)


(with Stefania Merlo and Hassan Mustafa Alkhidir) 'Immanent Architecture: constructing and transforming mudbrick family compounds on Mograt and Kindi Islands, Sudan' (International Conference on Vernacular Architecture as frame of life in historic and ancient communities, Technische Universität Berlin, 04-07 April)

2018 'Meroitic pictorial graffiti: The challenging corpus from the Great Enclosure of Musawwarat es-Sufra' (14th International Conference for Nubian Studies (ISNS), Musée du Louvre + Sorbonne Université, Paris, 10-15 September)
2018 'Preserving and presenting Musawwarat es-Sufra: Challenges, measures and perspectives' (14th International Conference for Nubian Studies (ISNS), Musée du Louvre + Sorbonne Université, Paris, 10-15 September)
2018 'Site Management in Musawwarat es-Sufra - Arbeiten zu Kulturerhalt und touristischer Erschließung in 2017/18' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 02 June)
2018 'Neues aus dem Bereich AKNOA: Neueröffnung der Sudanarchäologischen Sammlung & Archiv der Humboldt-Universität' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 02 June)
2018 'Capturing the East German archaeological projects in Sudan between 1958 and 1970: An exploration of the documentation, photographs and ciné films of Ursula Hintze (1918-1989)' (Meeting of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society: Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in Sudan, The British Museum, London, 10 May)

'What can archaeological heritage contribute to modern (identities in) Sudan?' (Lecture at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum, 14 March)

2018 'Diversity in/and Ancient Sudan: An archaeological perspective' (Keynote lecture at the Meeting of the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD, on 'Diversity - Scientific and Social Perspectives' at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Khartoum, 30 January-01 February)
2017 (with Al-Fateh Mohamed Ali Saeed) 'Pastoral communities and their relationship to archaeological heritage: A case study from Musawwarat es-Sufra'

(Second Bayuda Conference "Bayuda and its Neigbours", Gdansk, 12-14 October)


'Examining realities of World Heritage: Sources and constraints for sustainable development at Musawwarat es-Sufra (Sudan)' (Annual Conference of the International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM), Dar es-Salaam (Bagamoyo), 02-05 October)


'The GDR-expeditions to Sudan in the late 1950s and 1960s under Fritz Hintze. An exploration of the Sudan Archaeological Collection & Archive at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin' (Conference 'BERLIN-SUDAN. The History of Berlin-based Research on Northeast Africa. Change, Continuity and Scientific 'Zeitgeist' from the Kingdom of Prussia until the End of the GDR', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin + Berliner Antike-Kolleg, 30 June - 01 July)


(with Alexandra Verbovsek) 'Introduction' (Conference 'BERLIN-SUDAN. The History of Berlin-based Research on Northeast Africa. Change, Continuity and Scientific 'Zeitgeist' from the Kingdom of Prussia until the End of the GDR', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin + Berliner Antike-Kolleg, 30 June - 01 July)


Organiser (Conference 'BERLIN-SUDAN. The History of Berlin-based Research on Northeast Africa. Change, Continuity and Scientific 'Zeitgeist' from the Kingdom of Prussia until the End of the GDR', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin + Berliner Antike-Kolleg, 30 June - 01 July)


'Die Pyramiden von Meroe (Sudan): Antike, mittelalterliche und moderne Graffiti als Zeugnisse ihrer Bau- und Nutzungsgeschichte' (Colloquium on the Cultural History of Ancient Egypt, Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 15 December)


'(De-)Constructing Meroe: Graffiti from the pyramids and quarries of the ancient capital of Kush' (Conference 'Rock Art and (Non-textual) Graffiti in Context', German Archaeological Institute Cairo, 11-12 December)'


'Die Graffiti der Pyramiden von Meroe (Sudan): Zeugnisse ihrer Bau- und Nutzungsgeschichte zwischen königlicher Nekropole und UNESCO-Welterbeort' (Colloquium of the Institute of Archaeology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 07 December)


(with Hassan Mustafa Alkhidir) 'Zeitgenössische Graffiti an archäologischen Stätten der ‚Insel von Meroe‘: Problem und Chance für das Site Management' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 29 October)


'Lives of a funerary landscape: Graffiti making at the pyramids of Meroe in diachronic perspective' (Conference 'Signs of Place. A Visual Interpretation of Landscape', TOPOI, Berlin, 27-28 October)


'Archaeological practice in the 21st century: The roles of communities' (Workshop on Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Middle Nile, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, 05-06 October)


'Graffiti: (Informal) art and writing in the Island of Meroe' (Workshop on Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Middle Nile, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, 05-06 October)


'The every-day life of a funerary landscape: Investigating the graffiti of the pyramids at Meroe' (12th International Conference for Meroitic Studies, National Museum, Prague, 05-09 September)


'Graffiti in the ancient sandstone quarries of Meroe: a diachronic perspective' (Meeting of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society: Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in Sudan, The British Museum, London, 09 May)


Moderator (Podium Discussion and ArchaeoPub 'Digging for the Future', TOPOI, Berlin, 17-18 September)


'Making and marking the Landscape: Pictorial and inscriptional graffiti in the ancient sandstone quarries of Meroe, Sudan' (Public Lecture at UCLQatar, Doha, 08 September)


(with Stefania Merlo) 'Oral histories and the archaeologist: A view from the African continent' (Conference of the European Association of Archaeologists, Glasgow, 02-05 September)


'Tourism at Musawwarat es Sufra: a study of visitor expectation, behaviour and experience' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 04 July)


(with Stefania Merlo and Hassan Mustafa Alkhidir) 'Community heritage on Mograt: a collaborative exploration of the Island's recent past' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 04 July)


(with Stefania Merlo) 'Representing the heritages of Mograt Island: a reflection on identification processes among archaeological and local communities in Sudan' (Conference 'Ancient Identities and Modern Identification. Space, Knowledge and Representation', TOPOI, Berlin, 18-19 June)


(with Stefania Merlo) 'Engaging local and archaeological communities in development contexts: a case study from Sudan' (Conference 'African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability', CRASSH, University of Cambridge, 15-16 May)


(with Rupert Till, Christopher A. Sevara and Brenda J. Baker) 'Sounds of the past: archaeological and musicological perspectives on rock gongs in the ASU BONE concession above the Fourth Nile Cataract' (Meeting of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society: Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in Sudan, The British Museum, London, 11 May)


(with Stefania Merlo) 'Re-thinking archaeological practice in development contexts in Sudan: Exploring community heritage on Mograt Island' ('Cultural Heritage in Sudan: Current Work and Future Possibilities', Meeting at the University of Copenhagen, 10 April)


'Rock gongs at the Fourth Nile Cataract, Sudan: investigating variation in physical features, locations and sound properties' (Lithophones International Conference, University of Warsaw and Gdansk Archaeological Museum, Gdansk, 14 December)


'Rock art and graffiti of ancient Sudan' (Lecture at the Centre for Rock Art Research and Management, University of Western Australia, Perth, 10 December)


'From rags to riches: The (mis)fortunes of ‘The Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe’ World Heritage property in Sudan' (Second Biannual Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, 02-04 December)


'Do we really need to listen? On giving and getting in community-based heritage work in Sudan' (Second Biannual Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, 02-04 December)


'Re-thinking community archaeology: on the benefits of collaborative research in development contexts in Sudan' (Seminar talk at the University of Bergen, Norway, 18 November)


'Rock art and graffiti of ancient Sudan: images, inscriptions and markings in landscape and built contexts along the Nile' (Lecture at the University of Bergen, Norway, 17 November)


'Multi-sensory engagements with stone surfaces on the African continent: evidence from landscape and architectural contexts' ('Cultures of Stone. Interdisciplinary Research in the Materiality of Stone', University College Dublin, 18-20 September)


'Meroitic iconography between the 'formal' and the 'informal': Investigating the graffiti of Musawwarat es Sufra, Sudan' (13th International Conference for Nubian Studies (ISNS), Université de Neuchâtel, 01-06 September)

2014 (with Stefania Merlo): 'Learning from local communities: Participatory GIS in mapping 'living heritage' on Mograt Island, Sudan' (13th International Conference for Nubian Studies (ISNS), Université de Neuchâtel, 01-06 September)

'Computational photography in rock art and graffiti documentation' (14th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association and 22nd Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14-18 July)


(with Stefania Merlo) 'Meet the locals: learning from local communities in archaeological salvage contexts' (14th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association and 22nd Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14-18 July)


Discussant at the Workshop 'Advancing Archaeology and Heritage in Lesotho: Workshopping Lessons from the Metolong Dam Cultural Resource Management Project' (National University of Lesotho, Roma, 10-12 July)


(with Claudia Näser) 'Archäologie, Kulturerbe und Gesellschaft. Archaeological Heritage Management im Sudan' (46. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz 'Ägypten liegt in Afrika. Altägypten und seine südlichen und südwestlichen Nachbarn' (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 20-22 June)


Discussant at the Workshop 'Towards Sustainable Tourism at Meroe' (Qatar Sudan Archaological Project, Khartoum, 15-16 January)



'Between Africa and Egypt: Art and archaeology of ancient Sudan' (Public lecture at the South African Archaeological Society, Trans-Vaal Branch, 14 November)



'Writing and image making practices in the Meroitic world: contextualising the graffiti of Musawwarat es Sufra, Sudan' (Scribbling Through History: Comparative Studies of Graffiti from Ancient Egypt Onwards, University of Oxford, 23-25 September)


'Between Africa and Egypt: Art and archaeology of ancient Sudan' (Public lecture at the University of Pretoria, 12 September)


'Between Africa and Egypt: Art and archaeology of ancient Sudan' (Public lecture at the Origins Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14 May)


(with Claudia Näser) 'Development realities: disentangling the ethics of archaeological salvage in Sudan' (7th World Archaeological Congress, Dead Sea, Jordan, 13-18 January)


'Sources of pride or sources of conflict? Deconstructing values in archaeological and other 'development narratives'' (7th World Archaeological Congress, Dead Sea, Jordan, 13-18 January)

'Highlight RTI and the Documentation of Ancient Graffiti at Musawwarat es Sufra (Sudan)' (Workshop: Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) for Cultural Heritage Documentation, TOPOI, Berlin, 22-25 October)
'Spaces in development: Making and unmaking Sudan’s heritage'

'African Cultural Heritage Online: the Open Access Musawwarat Graffiti Archive' (21st Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA), University of Toronto, 20-24 June)


(with Claudia Näser) 'Conceptions of heritage in contested development projects in Africa: Theory vs. practice' (Inaugural Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, University of Gothenburg, 5-8 June)


'Kulturerbe analog und digital: Neues zu den Sekundärbildern und -inschriften von Musawwarat es Sufra' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 19 May)


'The Musawwarat Graffiti Project: Shedding New Light on the Ancient Graffiti of the Great Enclosure' (Meeting of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society: Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in Sudan, The British Museum, London, 14 May)


Poster (with Robert Casties): 'The Musawwarat Graffiti Archive: a Workbench Environment for the Publication of Large Image Collections and Related Complex Data Sets' (CAA - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2012 Conference, University of Southampton, 26-29 March)


Poster (with Hembo Pagi): 'Illuminating Africa’s Past: Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging Techniques in Documenting Ancient Graffiti at Musawwarat es Sufra' (CAA - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2012 Conference, University of Southampton, 26-29 March)


Poster (with Robert Casties & Simone Rieger): 'The Musawwarat Graffiti Archive. African cultural heritage and the globalization of knowledge' (Berlin 9 Open Access Conference, Washington DC, 9-10 November)


'Archaeological places and politics of identity in Sudan' (17th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Oslo, 14-18 September)



'Sketchy memory: Dynamics in making and unmaking memory spaces in sub-Saharan West Africa' (Conference: Memory Sites and Memory Networks. TOPOI, Berlin, 23-24 May)


'The Great Enclosure at Musawwarat es Sufra (Sudan). Inscriptional and pictorial graffiti from the 3rd century BC to the present time: an online presentation' (Transliteration and Transfiguration of Cultural Traditions: Archaeology, Medical Knowledge, Art, and Science, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 18-19 March)


'Digital cultural heritage from and for Africa: a Case Study from Sudan' (Digital Transformations: New Developments in Cultural Heritage Imaging, University of Oxford, 25 February)


'Whose heritage? Local responses to cultural heritage practices in northern Sudan' (32nd Annual Meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group, University of Bristol, 17-19 December)


'Heritage politics: Attitudes towards archaeological places in northern Sudan' (Colloquium: Denkmalkultur. Attitues to Heritage, BTU Cottbus, 9-11 November)


'Marking and making the Meroitic world' (13th

Archaeologists, University of Dakar, 1-7 November)


'European archaeology abroad: a case study from Sudan' (16th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Den Haag, 30 August-4 September)


(with Claudia Näser) 'The Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project at the Fourth Nile Cataract in Northern Sudan' (Workshop: Archaeotopia: the Archaeological Site as Focus, Expression and Motor of Collective Identities, TOPOI, Berlin, 4-5 June)


(with Claudia Näser) 'Der Baukomplex von Musawwarat es Sufra, Sudan. 3D-Scanning und Modelle'. (Conference: Digitale Dokumentationsmethoden in TOPOI, TOPOI, Berlin, 13 November)


(with Thomas Bauer and Mark Praus) 'Moderne Verfahren zur Untersuchung der Sekundärbilder der Großen Anlage von Musawwarat es Sufra' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 6 June)


‘Enigmatic markings? A diachronic perspective on multi-sensory engagements with rock surfaces in sub-Saharan West Africa’ (19th Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, 8-11 September)


(with Claudia Näser) ‘The good, the bad and the ugly: a case study on political, ethical and scientific dimensions of salvage archaeology from northern Sudan’ (Society of Africanist Archaeologists Biennial Meeting, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, 8-11 September)


‘Transitions: Rock art of the Meroitic and post-Meroitic Periods at the Fourth Cataract’ (11th International Conference for Meroitic Studies, University of Vienna, 1-4 September)


‘Imagining the Meroitic world: new work on the pictorial graffiti of Musawwarat es Sufra’ (11th International Conference for Meroitic Studies, University of Vienna Wien, 1-4 September)


‘Rock art rescue: approaches to the documentation and public presentation of the vanishing rock art of the Nubian Nile valley’ (6th World Archaeological Congress, University College Dublin, 29 June-4 July)


‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: political and ethical dimensions of rescue archaeology on the Middle Nile’ (6th World Archaeological Congress, University College Dublin, 29 June - 4 July)


'Neue Arbeiten zu den Sekundärbildern der Grossen Anlage von Musawwarat es Sufra' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 31 May)


'Rock art of the Fourth Nile Cataract: symbolic universes imprinted in stone' (Prehistory of Northeastern Africa - New Ideas and Discoveries, Poznan, 2-5 July)


'Rock art on Us Island : a window into past life-worlds in the Fourth Cataract Region' (4e Conference Internationale sur L'Archeologie de la 4e Cataracte du Nil, University of Lille, 22-23 June)


'Felskunst im Fluss: die Bilderwelt der Insel Us' (Tagung der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft (SAG), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 16 June)


'The SARS Fourth Cataract Rock Art Project' (Research Day of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, The British Museum, London, 15 May)


'Rock art of the Nile valley: visual and acoustic aspects of Fourth Nile Cataract landscapes' (Lecture at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 26 October)


'Rock art of the Nile valley: visual and acoustic aspects of Fourth Nile Cataract landscapes' (Lecture at the University Leiden, Netherlands, 19 October)


'Soundscapes of the Nile valley: 'rock music' in the Fourth Cataract region (Sudan)' (5. Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, 19-23 September)


'Acoustic elements of the rock art landscape in the SARS concession above the Fourth Nile Cataract: Three seasons of research' (11th International Conference of Nubian Studies, University of Warsaw, 27 August-2 September)


(with Dr. Pawel Wolf): 'Rock art versus Graffiti - a comparative approach to Nubian graphic expressions' (11th International Conference of Nubian Studies, University of Warsaw, 27 August-2 September)


'Rock art above the Fourth Nile Cataract: some reflections after three seasons of research' (3d Conference on the Archaeology of the Fourth Nile Cataract, Africa Department, University of Cologne, 14-16 July)


'Zeichen der Zeit - die Felsbilder des Vierten Nilkatarakts in vergleichender Perspektive' (Lecture at the Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 10 July).


'Tracing the use of the past in the past' (South African Conference on Rock Art, Kimberley, Südafrika, 12-17 February)


'Rock art landscapes of the Fourth Nile Cataract: characterisations and first comparisons' (2nd Conference on the Archaeology of the Fourth Nile Cataract, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 4-6 August)


'And thank you very much? Accessing archaeological and ethnographic collections of African origin in the age of the WWW' (12th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association, University of Botswana, Gaborone, 3-10 July)


'Rock art and 'rock music' of the Fourth Nile Cataract region: The Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project' (12th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association, University of Botswana, Gaborone, 3-10 July)


'Felskunst an Vierten Nilkatarakt: Visuelle und akustische Aspekte einer bedrohten Kulturlandschaft' (Lecture at the University of Cologne, Colloquium Africanum lecture series, 3 May)


'Rock art landscapes of the Fourth Nile Cataract' (British Rock Art Group Conference, University of Bristol, 23-24 April)


'Written in stone? The temporality of Dogon rock art traditions' (Kunst in Afrika? Research Seminar of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Afrika Studies, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, 26 November)


'For whom the bell tolls: rock art and 'rock gongs' in the Merowe Dam reservoir area of the Fourth Nile Cataract (Sudan)' ('African rock art in the 21st century', Trust For African Rock Art, Nairobi, 1-4 November)


'Dead or alive? Traditions of rock art making and use among the Dogon people of central Mali' ('African rock art in the 21st century', Trust For African Rock Art, Nairobi, 1-4 November)


'More than meets the eye: visual and non-visual aspects of an Upper Nubian rock art landscape' (17th Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists, Bergen, Norway, 26-29 June)


'The Ishashi island rock art survey' (Research Day of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, The British Museum, London, 12 May)


'Non-visual aspects of making and using rock art in the Forth Nile Cataract, Sudan' (British Rock Art Group Conference, University of Newcastle, 24-25 April)


'Open Access policies for ethnographic collections' (Final ECHO Conference, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 16 April)


'Fanfannyégèné Donsoma I: a biographical approach to the study of rock art in sub-Saharan Mali' (Current Research in African Archaeology in Britain and Ireland II, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 14 June)


'Rock art and ethnography in sub-Saharan West Africa: pitfalls and possibilities', (Current Research in African Archaeology in Britain and Ireland I, St Hugh's College, Oxford, 20 April)


'Pregnant women and cows' - new research on rock art in the Massif de Kita, south-west Mali, and its implications for the settlement history of sub-Saharan West Africa' (14. International Congress of the Pre- and Protohistorical Sciences (UISPP), Liege, 2-8 September)


'Rock art in sub-Saharan Mali: the Boucle du Baoule and beyond' (11th Congress of the Panafrican Archaeological Association, Bamako, Mali, 7-12 February)


'Rock art in sub-Saharan West Africa - recent research in the Upper Niger region of Mali' (4th AURA (Australian Rock Art Research Association) and IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organisations Congress, Alice Springs, Australia, 10-14 July)